If we crucify our flesh and go in obedience to the Great Commission, we will see God bring salvation to His sons and daughters in every nation on earth.

There is an alarming trend in missions to focus only on addressing social problems like feeding and clothing the poor, instead of preaching the Gospel and planting churches.

This leaves the lost weary and oppressed, grasping to have temporary needs met but never awake to hope in Christ.
Improving temporary conditions is important to us, but it is secondary to investing in people’s eternity.
Empowered by prayer, fasting, and worship, we go to the difficult places and proclaim the good news to the poor so that every person has the opportunity to meet Jesus before they die. 
Will you join us?



“I was widowed at 28, the mother of two boys. I worked as a housekeeper to sustain my family and I became the mistress of one of the wealthier men in town, though he was married with a family. I had a daughter with him. When my daughter was 10, I was in search of work, and an American family, the Hancocks, gave me a job. The woman, Audrey, told me about Jesus and my life was changed forever. I stopped the affair with my daughter’s father and dedicated my existence to Jesus. I can’t stop telling people about how He changed my life and gave me hope.”


“I was sold into sex trafficking by my brother when I was 8 years old. A woman named Nicole found me when I was 11, and I moved into the Village Children’s home – but the drugs and trauma trapped me in a vicious cycle. I ran away from home with pimps and had three baby boys by the time I was 17 – all of whom were raised at the Village Children’s home. I finally surrendered my life to Jesus and came home to the Village. Now I am happily married and raising my sons to love Jesus.”

Andres' STORY

“I am thankful I have a bed to sleep in and a family who loves me. I am thankful that I have food to eat and I am no longer a drunkard who wakes up in ditches.”

our missions focus

Everyone should get an opportunity to meet Jesus before they die.

Empowered by prayer, fasting, and worship, we go to the difficult places and proclaim the good news to the poor.

How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”
Romans 10:14-15