Our Story

People all over the world have no access to the life-changing hope of Jesus, leaving them trapped in their pain and brokenness. “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.” Jesus’ words still ring true today. Addiction, abuse, human trafficking, and poverty are just some of the physical afflictions that represent the spiritual destitution of those without access to the gospel.

We believe that no one should live and die without hope. Which is why, for the past 30 years, we have been connecting people like you to those who are hurting, so you can be part of making an eternal impact. If we fill the prayer gap, missionaries will succeed and nations will turn to Jesus. If we give to the gospel effort, we will see hope dawn in the hearts of the lost. If we train believers to go into any context or culture and introduce people to Jesus, we will see His Kingdom come.

You don’t have to wonder if you’re making an impact. Pray, give, train, and go, knowing that the impact you are making is eternal.

If we stay obedient to Jesus, lost people will have the opportunity to spend eternity with Him.

Our History


The Lord told Britt and Audrey to stop construction and go into ministry full-time. While on a trip to the mountains to pray, the Lord told Britt to train missionaries. The Lord showed him what was to come, and he knew he wasn’t qualified; it was overwhelming. The Hancocks decided to start ministry right where they were, with college students in Auburn, AL. They discipled, mentored, and led prayer groups. Two daughters were born. They started a ministry to the custodians on campus. Britt was the campus pastor of a college ministry and in 1991 they built a 24-hour World Prayer Center.


They took their daughters and traveled across the United States for six months to develop an intercessory prayer team for a mission organization in Latin America. That September, they moved their prayer ministry base to Colorado Springs. Their first son was born. They got involved in a local church where Britt started a Royal Ranger outpost in 1994, a ministry that mentors boys in the outdoors. Britt knew that one day he would use this style of outdoor education to train missionaries.


They took Hannah, Aspen, and Jacob to Paraguay, where David, their fourth, was born. They worked alongside a missionary family for six months, putting feet to their prayers and going where there was a need.


The six of them went to language school in Guatemala, then moved to Mexico. They knew they needed to become missionaries to train others from experience, not theory. They worked in rural Mexico full-time for 15 years as pioneer church-planting missionaries. Their primary focus was working with the indigenous where Catholicism is mixed with their ancient religions and idolatry is rampant. Immorality, drunkenness, and witchcraft are prevalent. The Hancocks have seen God pour out His Spirit in great power. Many souls have been saved, and signs, wonders, and miracles have followed the preaching of the Word.  


One day as Britt went to preach in a remote Mexican village, he had a life-changing vision. He saw people sliding into hell. Jesus looked at him and asked, “Where are the ones I sent to stop this? Find workers. Help them stay.” This further burned into their hearts the need to train missionaries. Find workers. Help them stay.


The Hancocks were sent from their mission work in central Mexico to pioneer churches in an area where the gospel had never been established. Since that time, scores of house churches have been started and local leaders have been raised up and discipled.


After 12 years on the mission field and 20 years in full-time ministry, Britt and Audrey founded Mountain Gateway. They continued working in Mexico, and to this day churches are being planted, a Bible Institute trains local leaders, widows are cared for, and new missionaries are trained and placed on the mission field.


They started the Mountain Gateway Academy and trained Mountain Gateway’s first missionaries. It was clear how years of preparation in their lives became the platform to train others: the Wilderness Semester utilizes a lifetime of knowledge in the woods, the Technical Skills Semester their construction background, the Prayer and Bible Semesters their life of prayer, and the Mission Track their years on the mission field.


God opened the door to begin working in the country of Nicaragua. Mountain Gateway planted churches in multiple regions, discipled local pastors, served through community projects, and ministered through a coffee farm business.


Mountain Gateway was given a coffee farm in Jinotega, Nicaragua, that they named Finca Esperanza de Gloria (Hope of Glory Farm). They walked the borders of the farm, anointed it with oil, and dedicated it to Jesus. The harvests were abundant and beyond expectation in quality and quantity! The farm existed to see God transform Nicaragua through evangelism, discipleship, and economic development in local communities.


Mountain Gateway Prayer launches when the Lord directs Mountain Gateway to pray in all 50 state capitals in 50 days, ending in Washington D.C. on election day. The Lord told Britt, “Remember your old confidence in prayer.” The mandate given to Britt in 1984 to build a network of strategic prayer warriors finally begins.  


Mountain Gateway started Wilderness Intensives and took three teams on 12day backpacking trips to focus on personal and spiritual development.