Getting ready to hit the trail!
Last week, we kicked off Wilderness Intensives for the summer. We’re grateful the Lord blessed us with Rumble Creek Ranch, a 28-acre ranch in the mountains of Montana, for our course headquarters. The ranch features a gear loft with top-of-the-line equipment and easy access to nearby trailheads. We are so excited to see how God is already using it in people’s lives!

Rumble Creek Ranch: Thank you, Jesus, for this beautiful place!
The team navigated through the Bob Marshall Wilderness for seven days, pushing themselves to grow physically, mentally, and spiritually. They also spent time reflecting on how to apply what they learned in the backcountry to their everyday lives.
Nicky shared a bit about her experience with us. Check out what she said:

Though our Intensives are incredible times in God’s creation, the whole point of each course is to grow closer to Jesus and develop your character. The wilderness transforms us. It prepares us. It stretches us. It forces us out of our comfort zones and into total dependence on God. Abraham, Moses, David, John the Baptist, and even Jesus spent time in the wilderness. We see God walk with them through the wilderness, teaching them and preparing them to carry out His will.

Our prayer is that more and more lives are changed as people hear the Lord’s call, beckoning them to go away with Him into the wilderness. We pray – for hearts to respond by eliminating the distractions of daily life to focus on transformation and growth in Him.
If you’re interested in learning how you can join us on a course, check out the resources below!
Garrett + Alicia Gildea